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WHO declares monkey pox a public health emergency of global concern know about symptoms

Monkey pox: A Global Concern

WHO has declared monkey pox a global emergency. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and many countries in Africa have been badly affected by this disease. This is the second time that the viral infection has been declared as a global disease in this way. According to WHO data, at least 99,176 cases of monkey pox and 208 deaths have been reported in 116 countries since 2022.

What is worrying is that a new strain of the virus is spreading. The question arises, what is monkey pox? It is a self-limited viral infection caused by the Ortho pox virus and causes fever, enlarged lymph nodes and painful rash that forms blisters and then crusts over. Although it is self-limited, it can cause death, especially in children and adults with weak immunity.

WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “The emergence of a new clade of ampox, its rapid spread in eastern DRC and the reporting of cases in several neighbouring countries are very worrying. In addition to outbreaks of other ampox clades in the DRC and other countries in Africa, it is clear that a coordinated international response is needed to prevent these outbreaks and save lives.

What are the symptoms?


The symptoms of this disease are as follows. Between 0-5 days, fever, headache and lymph node swelling occur. Within two days of the fever, a skin rash appears. The rash is more concentrated on the face, but can also be found on the palms and soles of the feet. It also affects the oral mucous membranes, eye infections, cornea of the eye and the genital area.

Monkey pox is spreading rapidly in these countries

M-pox is spreading rapidly in Africa. M-pox means monkey pox and this virus can become a threat to the world. World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has called a meeting of the Regulation Emergency Committee regarding this.

Monkey pox was initially detected in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but now cases are being reported in Uganda and Kenya as well, and it is feared that it is spreading very fast and may soon take the form of a pandemic.

It is worth noting that the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention said that monkey pox has been detected in 34 African countries and all these countries are at high risk.

Earlier this year, more than 14000 cases of monkey pox were reported in Congo, Africa, in which 511 deaths have occurred. The special thing is that the cases reported so far this year are equal to the total figures of the year 2023.

Implications of the WHO Declaration:

Identified as a global health emergency by the WHO, monkey pox is a situation that must be dealt with urgently. It brings about more surveillance, funding, and international cooperation towards stopping the spread of this virus. 

Presently, governments as well as healthcare facilities in every corner of the world concentrate on preventing its further escalation; this is being done through vaccination campaigns, public sensitization programs as well as imposing bans on travelling.

Public Health Response: Preventing a Global Crisis:

The public health sector is encouraging people to keep themselves abreast of monkey pox and hence take necessary precautions to lower chances of contracting the disease. These involve not embracing people who show some symptoms that match those of the illness, observing hygiene so that one does not infect others as well as visiting a medical health provider after detecting signs in oneself. 

The smallpox vaccines that have been produced have been proven to be operational in terms of dealing with monkey pox. Consequently, researchers have embarked on intensified immunization campaigns within regions battered by this scourge.

Conclusion: A Call for Vigilance:

The fact that monkey pox has been declared a global public health emergency by WHO shows there is need for world wide alertness and working together. Serious as it is, the situation can still be controlled if timely efforts are put in place. Therefore, at this moment all countries are very watchful so that this does not evolve into another major problem for global health. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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