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Drinking water will be prepared from air and sunlight, this technology is being used

Drinking Water:

The concept of generating drinking water from air and sunlight

The whole world is worried about drinking water. People are worried that the way fresh water is being exploited, it may happen that in the coming time, drinking water may disappear from the earth. However, now a technology has come which can remove this worry of people. Actually, with the help of this new technology, drinking water can now be made from air and sunlight.

Who is making it?

An American company has brought this technology to the market. The name of this company is Source. It is located in Arizona, America. This company is making clean drinking water using solar powered panels.

The concept of drinking water being prepared from air and sunlight

How does this technology work?

Actually, this company makes such cans which draw moisture from the air using solar energy and then convert it into water. And to explain in simple language, the panel first draws water vapor from the air and absorbs it in a special material inside the panel.

Then the system uses solar energy to heat it. After this, the moisture condenses inside the panel and turns into water. In the language of science, this technology is called hydropanel technology. Using this technology, Source is now making a new kind of packaged water.

The journey started from Arizona State University

This technology started about 10 years ago from Arizona State University. The researchers there developed the hydropanel technology to make such a product and then made a miraculous product. The report of the neuroscientist says about this water that this water has been collected from the moisture of the air, so it is very pure. However, currently one panel can produce only 3 litres of water a day.

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