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Why Good Cholesterol is important for Heart Health How to Increase HDL

What is Good Cholesterol (HDL): Two types of cholesterol are found in our body, LDL and HDL. LDL means bed cholesterol, which is harmful to the body and affects heart health. At the same time, good cholesterol HDL is necessary for our body, it improves heart health and prevents heart disease. Actually, good cholesterol helps in reducing the extra cholesterol and plague deposited in blood vessels and cleans the arteries. In such a situation, what is the work of good cholesterol in the body and how we can increase the good cholesterol of the body, let us tell you.

Good cholesterol works

Clean the arteries

HDL i.e. Good cholesterol blood vessels i.e. helps in removing poor cholesterol stored in blood arteries.

Betting heart health

Control blood pressure Good cholesterol

There is no problem of high blood pressure when the level of good cholesterol is correct. It helps to maintain the blood pressure level of the body.

Reduce the risk of stroke

Good cholesterol in the body helps prevent blood clotting, which does not cause a risk of stroke or heart attack.

Keep the weight loss and immune system balance

If the right amount is of good cholesterol, then it improves metabolism, which does not increase obesity. Not only this, good cholesterol also strengthens the immune system by reducing the body’s inflammation.

How to increase good cholesterol

To increase good cholesterol in the body, consume healthy fats, including avocado, almonds, walnuts and olive oil in the diet.

Apart from this, eat fatty fish, flaxids and chia seeds rich in omega-3.

Exercise regularly for 30 to 40 minutes, this increases good cholesterol in the body and reduces bad cholesterol.

Apart from this, avoid eating trans fat, package food and junk food.

Reduce alcohol intake and avoid smoking, as it increases bad cholesterol in the body.

Check out Below Health Tools-
Calculate your body mass index (BMI)

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