{“_id”:”678b2a55bee084a58d07aa18″,”slug”:”terror-attack-conspiracy-in-chandigarh-sector-39-police-station-blown-up-with-grenade-ib-terrorists-call-2025-01- 18″,”type”:”feature-story”,”status”:”publish”,”title_hn”:”Terrorist attack plot: Chandigarh sector to be blown up with grenades 39 police station! IB intercepted calls of terrorists”,”category”:{“title”:”City & states”,”title_hn”:”city-and-states”}}
Camera installed near the wall outside Sector 39 police station – Photo: Amar Ujala
After the continuous attacks on police stations in Punjab, a conspiracy is being hatched to blow up the Chandigarh Sector 39 police station with a grenade. This important intelligence has been revealed by IB by intercepting an international call.
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This attack is being planned by Harpreet Singh alias Happy Pasiya, a notorious terrorist of Babbar Khalsa sitting abroad. According to sources, talks of planning a grenade attack were heard on the call. There was talk that recce of Sector-39 police station has been done and the work will be done soon. There was talk of an attack on the police station around 2 o’clock in the night. IB intercepted this call and shared the input with Chandigarh Police.
security tightened
After the input received from Delhi, the security of Sector-39 police station has been tightened along with alerting the intelligence agencies. The suspects are being monitored by placing 24-hour checkpoints outside the police station. Solar cameras have been installed on the outer walls of the police station so that every activity can be monitored in case of power failure. Sentries with SLRs and bullet proof jackets are deployed at the police station gate. However, nakas are also being set up outside some other police stations in the city during the night.