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The name of which train is recorded the record for the most delay? Know the answer

Indian Railways is the fourth largest rail network in the world. Every day millions of passengers complete the journey from one place to another through Indian Railways. However, due to the delay of passenger trains of railway many times, common passengers have to face problems. But today we will tell you about a train that … Read more

How does the Railways decide which compartment will be placed where in the train?

Whenever we talk about long, cheap and comfortable travel, Indian Railways is the first option. Railways not only lets us travel across India, but the thrill of train travel is also different. However, many times, after reaching the platform, we get into a dilemma as to where our coach is. Many times even the train … Read more

What is the difference between express and superfast train? Know the answer

Every day lakhs of passengers travel through railways in India. Affordable tickets are also the reason for traveling long distances through railways in India. Not only this, Indian Railways is the fourth largest railway network in the world after America, China and Russia. But while traveling in railways, have you ever noticed the difference between … Read more

how will the train run on hydrogen know what will be different from other trains

Year 1712 James Watt first discovered the power of steam and built the first steam engine., same year 1807 The world’s first successful train was run in South Wales, Britain., However, with time many changes took place in the trains., coal steam, After petroleum and electricity, now the turn of hydrogen trains has come, Yes!, … Read more

Railway News: Effect of fog on train movement, many trains are running late, know the reaction of passengers.

Photo:FILE Many trains have been running late for the last few days. Fog has started affecting the operation of trains. Many trains are running late on Monday due to low visibility and other reasons. A lot of impact is also being seen on trains going to and from Delhi. Due to heavy pollution in Delhi, … Read more

Big news related to Indian Railways, it is not good if reels are made inside the train and on the tracks; case will be registered

Image Source : FILE Indian Railways New Delhi: A big news related to Indian Railways has come out. The Railway Board has issued instructions to all its zones saying that a case will be registered if there is a threat to railway safety. That means, if any person makes a reel in a train or … Read more