Updatee – News


how will the train run on hydrogen know what will be different from other trains

Year 1712 James Watt first discovered the power of steam and built the first steam engine., same year 1807 The world’s first successful train was run in South Wales, Britain., However, with time many changes took place in the trains., coal steam, After petroleum and electricity, now the turn of hydrogen trains has come, Yes!, … Read more

Do weapons also have expiry date Know what science says

We all know that foods, Medicines and many things have expiry dates, But have you ever thought that weapons can also have expiry dates?, This question sounds strange, Because the main function of weapons is security, They are used in defense and war and these are strongly made weapons to fight at any place, but … Read more

Can electricity be obtained from nuclear energy know facts

Nuclear energy is a powerful and controversial source of energy. Often people consider atomic bomb and nuclear energy to be the same., Due to which many questions arise. In such a situation, let us know what is the difference between atomic bomb and nuclear energy., How is electricity generated from nuclear energy and what are … Read more

What is the maximum punishment for violating the code of conduct? These are the rules

Every candidate has to follow certain rules during elections, which is the ideal code of conduct (Model Set of principles) . Violation of these rules is called violation of the code of conduct. At present, Model Code of Conduct is in force in view of elections in Maharashtra and Jharkhand. Under this, hoardings of political … Read more

China has the largest army in the world where India ranks here know the list

Largest Army In The World & India: Have you ever wondered which country has the largest army in the world? At what number is India in this list? Actually, China has the largest army in the world. China has approximately 20 lakh active soldiers. It is known as People’s Liberation Army (PLA). At the same … Read more

how intestines is the second brain of the human body here know answer

How Intestines Is Second Brain: Do you know that when you are under tension, scared, excited, happy or nervous, you feel it first in your gut. Yes… you read it right. Your gut is where emotions and memories are created and stored. For these reasons, the intestine is called the second brain of the body. … Read more

were there tailors even hundreds of years ago Know when the use of thread started

Clothes are part of human’s common needs, People are different on every occasion,like to wear different clothes, Like if the designer is at a party, If you want to go somewhere else then it’s different, Tailors have been doing the work of making these clothes for many years., But the question arises whether there used … Read more