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Do weapons also have expiry date Know what science says

We all know that foods, Medicines and many things have expiry dates, But have you ever thought that weapons can also have expiry dates?, This question sounds strange, Because the main function of weapons is security, They are used in defense and war and these are strongly made weapons to fight at any place, but the question arises whether they also have expiry date? If yes then when do the weapons expire? Let us know the answers to all these questions.

Do weapons also have expiry dates?

From small weapons to larger and more dangerous weapons, they also have a lifespan. Even nuclear bombs expire with time. Generally, the lifespan of nuclear bombs is 30 to 50 years, because with time chemical elements like helium start depleting, due to which their effect also reduces. Some bombs which have the potential to cause a lot of devastation have a maximum shelf life of about 10 years. Similarly, the lifespan of missiles also ranges from 20 to 30 years and their expiry date depends on their fuel system and technology.

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How is it decided which weapon will expire when?

Determining the expiry date depends on the type of weapon, its design and what type of material has been used in making it. Apart from this, technical and practical factors also play a special role. For example, the type of metal, plastic and explosive used in a weapon also affects the operating time of that weapon.

Weapons made from high quality metals, such as steel and titanium, can last longer than other materials. The expiry date of such weapons is long. At the same time, if a weapon is used too much, it can expire quickly. Additionally, if a weapon is stored in certain environments, such as high temperatures, humidity, or harsh weather conditions, its lifespan may be further reduced.

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What does science say?

There is a science behind weapons. First of all let us talk about ammunition and explosives. These substances contain nitroglycerin, TNT or other explosive chemical mixtures, which lose their stability over time due to oxidation. This can cause them to misfire (detonate incorrectly), and sometimes become ineffective.

A similar situation exists in missiles also. Due to chemical decomposition their energy production capacity starts decreasing. During this process the fuel and other chemicals disintegrate, causing visible fuel droplets, and this can make missiles unsafe. Additionally, the metals in weapons stored for long periods of time are prone to rusting, or wearing away, which reduces their effectiveness. In some cases, they can explode even before the target. Guns and rifles are also like this. When they are used continuously, their inner surface starts wearing out, due to which they do not hit the target properly. Additionally, humidity, high temperatures, and UV radiation can also adversely affect the quality of weapons. This is why it is important to keep all these things in mind to understand the expiry date of weapons.

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