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health tips importance diagnostic test list for dangerous diseases like cancer and heart attack

Importance Medical Checkup : Various types of diseases are arising these days. The risk of diseases ranging from heart disease to cancer is increasing. If these are not detected at the right time, problems and risks may increase. In such a situation, medical check-up and routine pathology lab test are most needed. With their help, dangerous and deadly diseases are detected at the initial stage and they can be prevented in time. Today we are going to tell you about 5 such routine lab tests, which work to protect you from dangers like cancer and heart attack.

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5 tests are important for health

1. Complete blood count test

This test (Complete Blood Count) is also called CBC. With its help, leukemia, anemia or infection is detected by monitoring the level of red and white blood cells. These can be stopped before they increase.

2. Lipid Profile Test

With the help of this test (Lipid Profile Test), risks like coronary artery disease are detected by detecting the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. This helps in getting proper treatment on time.

3. Fasting Blood Sugar Test

4. Liver and Kidney Function Test

Liver and Kidney Function Tests detect problems in vital organs like liver and kidneys. Liver function test provides information about life-threatening diseases like liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. With the help of these tests, chronic conditions occurring in these organs can be detected quickly and treated easily.

5. Thyroid Function Test

This test (Thyroid Function Test) examines the function of the thyroid gland of the body. With its help it helps in detecting thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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