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What difference will it make if you give up sugar for 14 days? How much will change happen in your body?

Quitting Sugar Benefits: Sugar is considered sweet poison for health. It is okay to consume sugar within a limit, but consuming it excessively can cause problems like diabetes, obesity, hypertension. According to reports, an average Indian consumes 20 kg of sugar in a year.

Apart from sugar, whatever we eat every day, sugar is also found in many other things. For example, sugar is also found in cold drinks, cookies, biscuits and bread. According to WHO, more than 50 grams of sugar a day can be dangerous. In such a situation, the question arises that how much benefit will there be to the body if we do not eat sugar for just two weeks i.e. 14 days. Let us know…

Side effects of eating too much sugar

1. Pain in muscles and joints

2. Signs of premature aging

3. Food cravings may increase

4. Problem of cavity in teeth

5. Bloating may occur in the stomach

6. Changes in energy level throughout the day

7. Weight gain

8. Falling sick again and again

What will happen if you give up sugar for 14 days?

Changes in body after quitting sugar for first 7 days

According to health experts, giving up sugar is not so easy. It can also cause a lot of problems for the first two-three days. Due to this, problems like headache, stomach ache and fatigue can occur. This is also a sign that your body can live without sugar. If you do this for three days, your body will start feeling completely refreshed from the fourth day. You will feel a lot of energy. Sugar level will also remain under control.

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What will happen in 8 to 14 days

If you do not eat sugar even after 7 days, digestion will start improving. This will provide relief from constipation, bloating and stomach related problems. Due to this, hunger is reduced and sleep is good. After this the desire to eat sugar itself starts decreasing. Then your body feels better. Problems related to sleep can also be eliminated.

How much sugar should you eat every day?

The American Heart Association has advised that men should not eat more than 150 calories or about 36 grams of sugar a day, while for women this amount is 100 calories or about 24 grams. More sugar than this can be harmful.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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