Tips to clean washing machine
Nowadays it seems difficult to even think about washing clothes by hand. Most people wash clothes in the washing machine only. The washing machine has made this troublesome task very easy. Washing clothes has become even easier especially in fully automatic washing machines. However, it is important to clean the washing machine from time to time. Otherwise, washing clothes in a dirty washing machine can make your clothes dirty. It is also important to clean this machine that washes your clothes every day. Otherwise, the clothes will be washed dirty and sometimes they also start smelling. Today we are telling you an easy way to clean the washing machine from inside and outside.
How to clean washing machine?
Hot water and soda- If your washing machine is fully automatic then it has the option of self-cleaning. When the load on the machine increases, run the machine on that mode once in 10-15 days. While running the machine on this setting, put soap and some soda for cleaning in the soap dispenser. Now start the machine on cleaning mode. Select the hot water option from the settings given in the machine. This will cause deep cleaning of the washing machine from inside.
Use quart bleach- Actually, there are different types of powders available in the market to clean washing machines. You can clean the inside of the machine by adding a quart of bleach. The stains and spots visible in the washing machine will be removed with this bleach powder. You have to put this bleach powder in the soap dispenser and run the machine on the cleaning option.
How to clean the rubber of washing machine- If you have a front load washing machine then definitely clean its rubber. The rubber is fitted at the opening of the machine. It is necessary to clean it both inside and outside. Many times, dirt from clothes, detergent and dirty water gets accumulated inside the rubber. For this, take some liquid soap and clean the rubber of the machine by rubbing it with the help of a scrubber. Clean thoroughly under and around the rubber seal.
Other tips- Now clean the soap dispenser provided in the washing machine also. Surf and sometimes garbage starts accumulating in it. Take it out and clean it. Apart from this, clean the machine from outside also. Soda and lemon can be used for this. You can also make the washing machine shine from outside with a solution of baking soda, liquid soap and vinegar.
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