Recipe of Bhang Ki Chutney
Do you know that hemp seed chutney is made in Uttarakhand? This special chutney made in Uttarakhand is considered very beneficial for your health. All the nutrients found in hemp seeds can prove to be effective in improving your overall health. You should also try this chutney recipe at least once.
First step- First of all, lightly fry 2 tablespoons of hemp seeds on a pan. Keep in mind that they have to be roasted on low flame so that the hemp seeds do not burn.
Second step- When the hemp seeds cool down, take out the sieve or mixer. Now you will need 2 green chillies, 4 garlic cloves and half cup fresh coriander.
Third step- Take out hemp seeds, green chillies, garlic cloves, coriander and salt on a colander or put them in a mixer.
Fourth step- Grind all these things coarsely. Now you have to add one big spoon of lemon juice and water as per requirement in this mixture.
Fifth step- By adding lemon juice, the taste of bhang chutney can be increased manifold, so do not forget to mix it at all.
Your bhang chutney is ready to serve. Believe me, you are going to like the taste of this chutney very much. This chutney can be served with any food item. By eating this chutney in winter, you can keep your body warm from inside. Apart from this, consuming this chutney within limits can also prove to be very beneficial for your gut health. Not only this, you can also boost your energy levels by eating hemp chutney.
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