Updatee – News


Man broke emergency door of plane after fight with his girlfriend

You must have heard many news stories filled with sadness of Majnu lovers after a fight with their girlfriend. For example, cases of cutting the wrist vein, consuming poison or jumping in front of a vehicle keep coming to light every day. However, no one will like it if a person, due to a fight … Read more

Plane collides with chimney of house in Brazil, 9 people of same family killed, condition of two is critical

Image Source : brazil plane accident A small plane crashed on Sunday in the Brazilian city of Gramado, popular among tourists, killing all 10 passengers and crew on board. Brazil’s Civil Defense Agency gave this information. The civil defense agency said in a post on Twitter that the plane first hit the chimney of a … Read more

What will happen if there is a hole in the plane at an altitude of thousands of feet? this is the answer

What will happen if there is a hole in the plane at an altitude of thousands of feet? this is the answer Source link