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Why is donkey milk the most expensive what is so special in it here know answer

Why is donkey milk the most expensive: Have you heard of donkey milk? Actually, you will be surprised to know that donkey’s milk is the most expensive, but do you know why donkey’s milk is expensive? The price of donkey milk in foreign countries is around Rs 5 thousand per kg, but what is the … Read more

Money Making Ideas: Donkey’s milk is no less than any ATM, earning up to ₹ 5,000 litre, start business like this

New Delhi. Like cow, goat, buffalo and sheep, do you know about donkey milk? Many studies have revealed that donkey’s milk is more beneficial than cow’s and buffalo’s milk. This milk can drive away many diseases. Donkey milk has more nutrition than the milk of other animals. This milk is also used in beauty products. … Read more

donkey milk know why it is so expensive which state people runs its business

Donkey Milk: Drinking milk is considered very beneficial for health. Milk contains nutrients like calcium, protein, vitamin B and vitamin D. Generally people drink cow and buffalo milk. So at some places goats’ milk is also drunk. India ranks first in milk production in the world. Every year 18.61 crore 10 kg milk is produced … Read more