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Kidney stones can be painful and it can also affect your back read full article in hindi

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs. They are located just below the rib cage on either side of the spine. The term kidney stone generally includes stones in the kidney i.e. renal stones and stones in the urinary tract i.e. ureteric stones. Kidney stones are generally considered silent as, by and large, they do not cause pain. On the contrary, stones in the urinary tract can cause back and abdominal pain.

due to kidney stones
Colic in the urinary tract is a very common emergency in medical practice. Ureteral stones are the most common cause of colic, other causes of blockage include – blood clots, fungal balls, severe urinary tract infection, etc.

Symptoms of kidney stones
Patients usually experience sudden back or groin pain radiating to the lower abdomen, groin or testicles. The pain is very severe and excruciating, usually described as the worst pain ever experienced by the patient. Patients also report a dull, constant level of discomfort caused by stretching of the kidney capsule; this constant dull pain is associated with episodes of colic pain resulting from peristalsis of the ureteral muscles.

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Why does it hurt?
When the stone passes from the kidney into the urinary tract, it can cause difficulty in urinating. This results in urine backing up into the kidney, stretching the urethra and stretching the renal capsule. Persistent obstruction is more damaging than intermittent obstruction; in intermittent obstruction, compensatory mechanisms balance the increased intraluminal pressure of the ureter.

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Complete blockage of the ureters can result in reduced kidney function, with damage that may be irreversible, possibly starting in 1 to 2 weeks. The severity of pain does not depend on the size of the stone, but rather on the degree of obstruction in the ureter. Therefore, sometimes even a large stone can pass painlessly, while a small stone of 2 mm to 3 mm can cause severe pain. In addition to pain, kidney stones and especially ureteral stones are associated with a significant economic burden. Its prevalence has increased steadily in recent decades. Economic losses include both direct treatment costs and indirect costs associated with lost worker productivity. If one is diagnosed with kidney stones, it is wise to seek specialist advice. .

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