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Kerala State Is Facing The Same Low Birth Rate Crisis As South Korea read full article in hindi | Situation like South Korea in Kerala, birth rate is continuously falling.

The rapidly declining populations of South Korea, Japan and many European countries are creating significant social challenges. In the coming time, these countries may have to face many problems due to severe population shortage. It is a matter of concern that now similar patterns are emerging in India also. The situation in some developed states of India is becoming increasingly worrying.

For example, the condition of Kerala these days is similar. Which is often called ‘India’s Europe’. The country boasts of the best health and education system as well as high employment rates and per capita income. On almost every parameter it meets the criteria of a developed state. At the same time, there has been a huge decline in the fertility rate in Kerala over time. The population here is continuously decreasing.

Kerala’s population will be this much by 2024

The estimated population of this state by the year 2024 is 3.6 crores whereas in 1991 the population was 2.90 crores. In the last 35 years, the population of this state has increased by only 70 lakhs. According to the 2011 census, the population of this state at that time was 3.34 crores. This state has almost achieved the target of stable population.

The situation in Kerala remains worrying

The post-pandemic population in Kerala remains a matter of concern. According to a toilet report of ‘The Hindu’, the birth rate has come down to 400,000. This decline has come rapidly since 2018. For the first time, the official figures released in the year 2021 have indicated a decline. In which 419,767 births are recorded. Figures for 2023 which are going to be published soon.

According to population scientists, a fertility rate of 2.1 is required to maintain the current population level. This means that every woman should give birth to at least 2.1 children. Kerala had achieved this target in 1987-88. Almost 100 percent of births in Kerala take place in hospitals. The state has a good healthcare system. In which the infant mortality rate is equal to European countries. Kerala’s infant mortality rate is only six per thousand births. Which is much lower than the national average of 30, according to many experts and doctors the population of Kerala has been stable for the last three decades. However, the significant decline in the number of children born is a matter of concern.

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Reason behind low birth rate

Data for 2023 shows that it will further reduce to 1.35 percent. This shows that most couples in Kerala have only one child. And a large number of people are childless. If this continues like this, the population of Kerala will start decreasing in the coming years.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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