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health tips does brandy really cure cold and cough know benefits

Brandy for Cold and Cough : Like every time, this time too the cold weather has brought with it cold and cough. People will be seen sneezing or coughing everywhere. In such a situation, people adopt various measures to keep themselves safe. Many people feel that drinking brandy warms the body. With this, problems like cold, cough and cold can be cured. However, how much truth is there in this, let us know from the experts…

Is brandy a cure for cold and cough?

According to health experts, doctors never recommend drinking alcohol for cold, cough and cough. Drinking brandy or rum may provide relief to some people from cold and cough, but this is not medically proven. Alcohol can be considered a home remedy to avoid cold. People who do not consume alcohol can get relief from cold, cough and cold by consuming more hot foods and drinks.

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Will one spoonful of brandy cure cough and cold?

If a person wants to drink brandy to avoid cold and cough, then its quantity should be very less. Drinking one spoon brandy or rum mixed with honey and lemon juice can be beneficial. This can be done three times a day. If you want, instead of honey or lemon, you can add one spoon of brandy or rum in half a cup of hot water and drink it. Doing this before sleeping at night can provide more relief. However, doing this for a long time should be avoided.

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How to avoid cold and cough

Health experts say that lemon and ginger should be consumed to avoid cold and cough. Ginger can provide immediate relief from these problems. Apart from this, you can consume honey. If home remedies do not provide relief, one should consult a doctor and take medicines.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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