cause of dry skin
Do you know that vitamin deficiency in the body can have a bad effect not only on your health but also on your skin? To get rid of some skin related problems, you should try to prevent the deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals. Let us know about a vitamin, the deficiency of which can be the main cause of dry skin.
Vitamin D and Vitamin A deficiency
If there is a deficiency of Vitamin D in your body, your skin may lose moisture. To get rid of dry and lifeless skin, you have to overcome Vitamin D deficiency. For your information, let us tell you that apart from Vitamin D, deficiency of Vitamin A can also cause dry skin.
thing to note
It is not necessary that the skin loses its moisture only due to lack of vitamins. Some other nutrients can also be responsible for skin dryness. For your information, let us tell you that deficiency of zinc or iron can make the skin dry and lifeless. For healthy skin, you should try to include food items rich in nutrients in your diet plan.
due to dry skin
Apart from lack of nutrients, bathing with too hot water can also cause skin to lose moisture and your skin to become dry. Using harsh chemicals based makeup can also prove to be harmful for skin health. Let us tell you that the habit of not applying moisturizer can cause dryness of the skin. To get healthy and soft skin, you should focus on improving these habits along with your diet plan.
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