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Girl Hit a man from behind while taking an evening walk with his wife video goes viral

Trending video: You must have seen many videos of father’s fairies on social media, where she only kills people’s nose with her antics, and sometimes it becomes a cause for people to die. Recently, a video of a girl is becoming increasingly viral on social media, in which she has gone on a scooter on her new prey. The special thing is that Papa’s angel also gets his victim and she quickly blows her with her. Yes, a person who is walking with his wife with his wife hits this girl so strongly from the back that the helpless bite bounces several feet in the air. The video is viral on the internet, on which users are giving their reactions.

The girl hit a person walking with his wife strongly

In the viral video, you will see that a person is walking relaxed with his wife. After flying the forehead in the shop and office throughout the day, a person reaches home, eats food and then goes out on a night walk or evening walk to find peace. This person may have thought of something similar. But what did he know that a father’s angel is coming chasing him to put his peace. What was it then, the person is walking around with his wife’s hand, that the father’s angel comes from behind and hits him strongly.

Blowing a person in the air

After the collision, the view there is as if someone has flew away. After the collision of her husband, the poor wife goes into a car parked on the roadside, while the husband goes out to take a wind with the poor father’s fairy, which soon falls on the ground due to gravity. The video is attracting people’s attention on the Internet.

Also read: ‘You will break your head after listening to the song …’ Neither are you understanding nor singers, yet people are swinging; Video going viral

Users lashed fiercely

The video has been shared on social media from different platforms, which has been seen by millions of people till now, while many people have also liked the video. In such a situation, social media users are also giving various reactions about videos. One user wrote… That is why Papa’s fairies should not be given a car. Another user wrote … Papa’s angel really flew today. So there was another user wrote… Poor husband, what had happened, what happened.

Also read: You are not an angel, not brother! Little brother takes his sister to school on his shoulder, will be emotional watching videos

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