Winter Cleaning Hacks
Taking care of winter clothes can prove to be much more challenging than taking care of summer clothes. For your information, let us tell you that if you do not wash woolen clothes properly, your clothes can get spoiled quickly. If you follow these tips to wash woolen clothes, then you will not even have to send your clothes for dry cleaning. You should also try using these cleaning hacks to wash woolen clothes this winter.
Do not use hot water
Hot water should not be used to wash woolen clothes. Hot water can have a negative impact on the quality of your clothes. Washing woolen clothes in hot water can also spoil the shape of the clothes. If you want to protect your clothes from getting damaged, use cold water. If you want, you can use lukewarm water instead of hot water.
Clothes should be washed with gentle hands
By scrubbing and washing woolen clothes, you are knowingly or unknowingly reducing the life of the clothes. Woolen clothes are sensitive and that is why light hands should be used while washing them. Clothes should not be squeezed tightly after washing. Apart from this, you should use good quality detergent. Avoid using detergents with too harsh chemicals.
thing to note
You may be surprised to know that sweaters or woolen clothes should never be hung to dry. You should find a flat surface to dry the sweater. By following this tip, your sweater will not shrink at all, that is, the shape of your woolen cloth will not get spoiled. This winter, before washing woolen clothes, definitely keep these tips in your mind.
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