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flu vaccines indeed reduce heart attack and death risk health news

Flu Vaccines: A recent study has revealed surprising things about the health benefits of the flu vaccine. In fact, the findings of this study have shown that flu vaccine can reduce the risk of death in people with heart diseases. Apart from this, it reduces the risk of death from heart attack and coronary artery disease. Also, a 42 percent reduction in the rate of deaths related to this has been observed.

What was seen in this study?

This study found that despite insufficient scientific evidence, influenza vaccine remains the main preventive strategy recommended for “heart failure” patients. During this period, significant survival benefits were revealed in the investigation. Which showed a 24% reduction in overall mortality after one year and a 20% decline in overall long-term mortality. The analysis revealed significantly increased survival rates during influenza outbreaks, with a 48% reduction in mortality compared to a 21% reduction during non-influenza periods. Additionally, the data showed a significant increase in cardiovascular disease risk during influenza season. Indicated a 16% reduction in related hospitalizations.

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‘Influenza vaccine is more effective than preventing flu…’

Dr. Ambuj Roy, author of the study and from the Department of Cardiology at AIIMS, said that the influenza vaccine is more effective than preventing flu, it provides protection to heart patients by reducing the chances of subsequent heart attacks and hospitalization. Does. He said that it is completely safe, as has been proven in tests.

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Let us tell you that every year, 290,000 to 650,000 people die worldwide due to influenza, with the highest number of deaths occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia. In India, about 130,000 deaths occur every year due to respiratory and circulatory complications caused by influenza.

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