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curd disturbs the menstrual flow during periods know about myths and facts

Eating curd or pickle does not cause any problem in period flow. There is no scientific evidence that any diet affects menstrual flow. However, certain food items can make you feel better or worse by increasing or decreasing your blood sugar levels. Which can affect hormone levels. If you feel flatulence or acidity before your menstruation. So you can try to reduce the intake of these foods during menstruation. Yogurt can actually be a good food to eat during your menstruation as it contains probiotics, protein, calcium and milk fat. The calcium present in curd can help reduce feelings of anxiety, mood swings and depression.

Some people believe that due to the calcium and protein in curd, it can provide relief from pain and cramps during periods. But according to some experts, eating curd can increase stomach related problems and bloating. Let us know what are the advantages and disadvantages of eating curd during periods.

Benefits and disadvantages of eating curd during periods according to experts

Know why you should eat curd

Curd contains calcium and protein which can provide relief from cramps and period pain.

Calcium is found in curd which relaxes the muscles and provides relief from cramps and spasms.

Curd is rich in probiotics which are beneficial for the digestive system.

Vitamin B12 is found in curd which increases the energy level.

Curd is rich in iron which helps in fighting anemia.

Consumption of curd fulfills the deficiency of Vitamin D in the body.

Protein is found in curd which provides nutrition.

Know why you should not eat

Curd contains high fat which can cause stomach related problems. Some people have more pain during periods, hence they should avoid them.

Some people are allergic to milk, in such cases curd should be avoided.

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Curd contains sodium which can cause bloating. In such cases, people who have the problem of flatulence during periods should avoid eating curd.

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If the pain is not severe during periods then you can consume curd but not in large quantities. But if you are having severe stomach pain then you should avoid eating curd…

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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