Cancer Myths Vs Facts:
Even though medical science has made a lot of progress today, many people consider cancer as a death sentence. Cancer patients go into despair and hopelessness as soon as they come to know about their disease. Many times their despair comes in the way of treatment. People have formed the notion that cancer is an incurable disease and after getting it, death is certain. People see and understand cancer as a painful death.
But do you know that suffering from cancer does not mean death. If this disease is treated on time, then a person can win the battle against this disease and live a healthy life. However, there is a lot of information related to cancer which is misleading and wrong and this is what makes this disease fatal. ‘Updatee – News’ has a special presentation on such things, Myth Vs Facts. ‘Myth Vs Facts’ tries to take you out of the swamp of old-fashioned things and bring the truth to you.
Myth-1: Cancer means death?
Fact: Suffering from cancer does not mean that death is certain. In fact, medical science has progressed a lot and if cancer is detected on time and treatment is started, then this disease can be won. Thanks to the new technology and treatment of medical science, today millions of people are living a healthy life by defeating cancer. Early detection of this disease, proper treatment and support of family and friends gives strength to fight the disease and the life of the cancer patient can be saved.
Myth-2: Only smokers get lung cancer?
Fact: There is no doubt that smoking is not good for the health of the lungs and it is the main cause of lung cancer. But let us tell you that it is not necessary that only smokers get this disease. Non-smokers can also get lung cancer by smelling the smoke or harmful elements present in the air. If you are also under the misconception that you do not smoke, then you must take necessary measures to avoid this cancer.
Myth-3: Does cancer come back after being cured?
Fact: Another myth related to cancer is that cancer always comes back. If you are also worried about this thought, then let us tell you that it is not true. If cancer treatment starts early then there is little chance of the disease coming back but there is this risk in the advanced stage, so after treatment, patients should get regular checkups done for two years.
Myth-4: Can cancer be cured by eating a particular type of food?
Fact: Your diet is very important in many diseases, it is important to take a good diet in cancer disease too but it would not be right to say that it can cure cancer. Even though a balanced diet full of vegetables and fruits is good for health, but if you think that a special type of supplement or super food can help prevent cancer, then it would be wrong.
Myth-5: Does biopsy spread cancer?
Fact: Cancer patients have the biggest fear that biopsy will increase cancer but according to doctors, every year 14 lakh patients are treated for cancer in India and more than 50 lakh patients worldwide. No patient can get treatment without biopsy because this is the best way to detect cancer. In such a situation, there is not even an iota of truth in the fact that cancer spreads through biopsy. Patients have reached an advanced stage and their disease has already spread before biopsy.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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