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Stock to Buy- Many brokerage has advised to invest money in shares of Maharatna company NTPC. The NTPC shares are currently trading below 28% from 52-Veek High.

Most brokerage firm is positive about NTPC shares.
- The NTPC shares are 28% below 52-Veek high.
- Brokerage has given a ‘bye’ rating on NTPC stock.
- The target price of NTPC can be up to ₹ 430.
New Delhi. The power sector’s Maharatna company NTPC shares are brokerage bullish. NTPC shares are currently trading below 28 percent of its 52-wheeq high level. Brokerage says that now the valuation of this Maharatna share has become attractive, so investors should invest in it. He believes that the company’s strong pipeline and focus on green energy make it an attractive bet for a long period. In the last one year, the price of this stock has fallen 0.62 percent. Return of 92% has been given in the last 2 years. The return of this stock of the last 3 years has been 140% and 5 years 185%.
The NTPC’s current financial year 2025 has increased by 3.1% to ₹ 4,711.4 crore in the third quarter of 2025. At the same time, the income increased by 4.8% to ₹ 41,352.3 crore. The company has declared an interim dividend of ₹ 2.5 per share (25%), which will be paid on February 18, 2025.
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Brokerage opinion on NTPC
Brokerage firm ICICI Securities (ICICI Securities) has fixed its target price ₹ 430 while retaining its ‘bye’ rating on the NTPC share. According to brokerage, this stock can give a return of about 33% from the current level ₹ 322. At the same time, Nuwama has kept its target price ₹ 412 from the perspective of 12 months. Antique broking is also expected to earn from this stock. Brokerage has kept the target price of NTPC share ₹ 429, which is 32 percent more than the current price.
Global brokerage firm Jeffers has also advised investors to buy NTPC shares. Brokerage has kept the target price of ₹ 500 of this stock, which shows 55% upside from the current level. Brokerage believes that the third quarter results may have been weak by estimated, but a better performance is expected in the fourth quarter.
Why invest
Market pundits have also given some reasons for investment in NTPC. These are ..
- Focus on green energy: NTPC’s Green Subsidiary raised ₹ 10,000 crore through IPO and got 2.4 GW of new renewable dialects. This has strengthened the company’s grip in green energy.
- Cheap valuation: Stock is trading at ~ 1.7x FY27E BV (standalone) around its historical average. Brokerage considers it an attractive valuation.
- Strong Order Book: The company has 30 GW under construction capacity, including 17.6 GW thermal and 12 GW Hydro and Renewable.
(Disclaimer: Stocks reported here are based on the advice of brokerage houses. If you want to invest money in any of these, first consult the Certified Investment Advisor. will be.)
New Delhi,New Delhi,Delhi
January 27, 2025, 15:30 IST
This ‘maharna’ shares fell 28 per cent from record high and expects a strong earning