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Attempted suicide twice, worker jumped from high building, but safety net saved his life, video goes viral

mumbai Laborer attempted suicide twice jumped from a high building safety net saved his life video

Image Source : INDIA TV
Video of laborer attempting suicide goes viral

A strange case has been seen in Vikhroli area of ​​Mumbai. Actually a laborer tried to jump from a tall building here twice. But both times he fell and got stuck on the safety net. Fortunately, the life of the laborer who was attempting to commit suicide was saved. But the video of this incident is going viral on social media. According to preliminary information received, the video is of a construction site in Kannamwar Nagar area located in Vikhroli, Mumbai. Here a laborer tried to commit suicide by jumping from the 13th floor.

Laborer fails to commit suicide by jumping from building

But when he jumped for the first time, he got stuck in the safety net installed on the 8th floor. After this, when the worker tried for the second time, he fell on the safety net near the first floor. The name of the laborer is said to be Birju Prasad Ramesh. According to the information received, the person was under mental stress for some days due to which he took such a step. After getting stuck on the safety net both times, nearby laborers picked him up and it is said that he has been sent back to his village. During this time someone made a video of this entire incident which is now going viral on social media.

accident in nashik

Let us tell you that before this, a major accident was seen in Nashik on Sunday. Eight people died in a collision between a tempo and a truck in Dwarka Circle in Nashik district. Many others were injured in the accident. According to the police, this accident happened near Ayyappa temple at 7.30 pm. The police officer said, “There were 16 passengers in the tempo, who were going to CIDCO area here. He was returning from a religious program in Niphad. The tempo driver lost control of the vehicle and hit the truck laden with iron rods from behind. Some people died on the spot in the accident.

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