Bollywood power couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt welcomed the New Year with their adorable daughter Raha and the entire family. Neetu Kapoor and Riddhima Kapoor have shared a glimpse of the New Year celebration on their respective Instagram handles, in which the entire Kapoor and Bhatt family can be seen together. Neetu Kapoor has also shared some photo-videos of New Year celebration on her Instagram story, one of which is much talked about. The romantic style of Ranbir and Alia can be seen in this video.
Ranbir ran to Alia as soon as the clock struck 12.
In one of the videos shared by Neetu Kapoor on her Instagram stories, Ranbir Kapoor is seen running towards his wife Alia Bhatt as the clock struck 12 on January 1. As soon as 12 o’clock Ranbir goes towards Alia and hugs her tightly. After this he goes to mother Neetu Kapoor and hugs her and wishes her a New Year. This style of Ranbir is being liked a lot on social media.
Welcomed the new year by counting down
In the video, Ranbir and everyone else are seen counting down and waiting to welcome the New Year. Meanwhile, as soon as the clock struck 12, fireworks started and Ranbir quickly ran to Alia and celebrated the moment by hugging her. Neetu Kapoor has shared this video on her Instagram story, which is now trending on social media. Let us tell you, Ranbir left for Germany with Alia, Raha and family on December 28 to celebrate the New Year.
Kapoor family immersed in New Year celebrations
During the New Year celebrations, Ranbir and Alia were seen in black clothes while younger Raha was seen in a red frock. Not only Alia, Ranbir and Raha, Soni Razdan, Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, her husband Bharat Sahni and daughter Samaira Sahni also attended the party. During this, Neetu Kapoor wore a black maxi dress, Soni Razdan was seen in a red dress and Riddhima, Adaira and Bharat were seen in color co-ordinated outfits.
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