Researcher of Imperial College London has found that people who treated Kovid-19. In them, the possibility of development was seen in the level of biomarker associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The levels of biomarkers associated with amiloid protein had increased and its effect was equal to four years of aging. In which the most impact was seen in hospitalized people with severe Kovid-19.
Emiloid is a common protein that works many types of work in the body. But the creation of an unusual form of protein called beta-amyloid (a & icirc; & sup2;) is a major cause of many diseases. Hazarses suggest that mild or medium covid-19 can speed up biological that can intensify brain disease Those contribute to the manufacture of Emiloids.
Is engaged in establishing relations between Kovid-19 and Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s disease is a brain -related malfunction which causes brain cells to die and result in loss of memory. In Alzheimer’s disease, a person waste the ability to think, due to which it becomes difficult to do normal work. Kovid-19 has the ability to relax the brain. Due to this, long term neurological problems such as people also increase the possibility of Alzheimer’s.
Effect of Kovid-19 on the brain and associated symptoms
In the result of Kovid-19, mild to severe inflammatory victims may have seizures and strokes in the brain. People who have been cured by infection have also made a state of mental confusion, headache, dizziness, blurred vision during and later. In this way, Kovid-19 can reveal the relationship between corona virus and Alzheimer’s from the proliferation of neurological symptoms in patients such as headaches and confusion.
A review has been published in Alzheimer’s and Dementia. In it, an attempt has been made to connect the possible relationship of Kovid-19 and Alzheimer’s disease. According to the researchers, the onset of symptoms in people with disease is evident around the age of 60 years. Experts believe that most people will be saved from the effects of Kovad-19. However, in the long run, they may have to deal with many diseases such as dementia, poor quality of life and disability.
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What does research reveal?
Representatives of 30 countries, Alzheimer’s Association and World Health Organization have come on a platform to investigate the long and short-term impact of Kovid-19 on the brain. While Corona virus has a tendency to raise many brain -related malfunctions, the ability to cause severe inflammation in the brain.
Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is necessary to mention here that & nbsp; & nbsp; No recognition, does not confirm information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.
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