Explore the magical background and captivating facts on Rome’s most famous traditional structure, the Colosseum. 


Under the rule of emperors Vespasian and Titus, construction of the Colosseum also called the Flavian Amphitheatre was done between 70-80 AD 

Construction Timeline

In its heyday, the Colosseum could accommodate 50,000 to 80,000 spectators, thus one of the largest amphitheatres in the ancient world.


The Colosseum’s elliptical design coupled with robust construction and complex system of vaults makes this building extraordinary.

Architectural Marvel

To add on, executions by killing, playing dramas; sometimes there were even water show performances held in the same venue where gladiatorial combats happened at once.

Multi-purpose Venue

Although affected by earthquakes and looters of iron stones, the fact remains that the Colosseum serves as a reminder of Roman spirit and engineering prowess.

Damage Over Time

There were cages for animals &slaves as well as a network of tunnels used for this purpose under Colosseum before gladiators’ fights began at all.The ones that are iconic

Underground Chambers

All over the world today, whenever the Colosseum is mentioned anywhere and at any time it is said that people identify with this popular identity.

Symbol of Rome

The Colosseum is part of the UNESCO World Heritage site, "Historic Centre of Rome," highlighting its cultural significance.

UNESCO World Heritage

In an attempt to save this historical monument for future generations, constant efforts have been made towards its renovation.

Ongoing Restoration

So much related to the past as well as involving superb designs that would mark some unique buildings to an age would be observed in the Colosseum.

Explore the Colosseum